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political journalist

visual artist

Nastya Rodionova, writer, poet, political journalist, visual artist, was born in 1986 in Moscow. She studied at the Gorky Literary Institute. In 2022, after the outbreak of war with Ukraine, she was forced to flee with her family to France and obtained political refugee status. In this new country, deprived of her main instrument – the Russian language, she began to develop the concept of performative literature, literature without language. Within the concept of performative literature, Nastya Rodionova creates novel-installations, novel-performances, novel-expositions, etc. - working with the image as a writer, but before its verbal expression. In 2023, she teaches a course on performative literature at the University of the Arts in Bern, Switzerland. The poems have been translated into French, English and Italian. Fellow of the Porosus Foundation.

Nastya Rodionova, écrivaine, poète, journaliste politique, plasticienne, est née en 1986 à Moscou. Elle a étudié à l'Institut littéraire Gorki. En 2022, après le déclenchement de la guerre avec l’Ukraine, elle est contrainte de fuir avec sa famille vers la France et obtient le statut de réfugiée politique. Dans ce nouveau pays, privée de son instrument principal – la langue russe, elle a commencé à développer le concept de littérature performative, une littérature sans langue. Dans le cadre du concept de littérature performative, Nastya Rodionova crée des romans d'installation, des romans de performance, des romans d'exposition, etc. - travaillant avec l'image en tant qu'écrivain, mais avant son expression verbale. En 2023, elle donne un cours sur la littérature performative à la Haute école des arts de Berne, en Suisse. Les poèmes ont été traduits en français, anglais et italien. Boursier de la Fondation Porosus.

Настя Родионова, писательница, поэтесса, политический журналист, художник, родилась в 1986 году в Москве. Училась в Литературном институте имени Горького. В 2022 году, после начала войны с Украиной, она была вынуждена бежать с семьей во Францию, где получила статус политического беженца. В новой стране, будучи лишенной своего главного инструмента – русского языка, она начала разрабатывать концепцию перформативной литературы, литературы без языка. В рамках концепции перформативной литературы Настя Родионова создает романы-инсталляции, романы-спектакли, романы-экспозиции и т. д., работая с образом до его словесного выражения. В 2023 году преподает курс перформативной литературы в Университете искусств Берна, Швейцария. Стихи переведены на французский, английский и итальянский языки. Стипендиат фонда Porosus.

Eve tree


3D-printed object

First exposition - 04.2024, Atelier des artistes en exil, Paris

"Eve tree" is a part of the "Eve tree: Growing Eve" project, which is currently under development. This is a reflection on the Abrahamic myth of the woman (“made from Adam's rib”, “the cause of man's expulsion from Paradise”) – a mockery of this myth, which itself is a mockery of female nature. If the Hebrew text gives us a more complex picture of a woman’s existence, in which the word צלע is more often used in the meaning of “side” or “part,” then Christianity, which became the foundation of patriarchal European culture, insists on translating this word as “rib.”




Production :

atelier des artistes en exil

Dans le cadre de l’été culturel 2023

soutenu par la ministère de la Culture

Avec le soutien du Fonds de dotation Porosus et de la Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris


ne quittez pas l'armoire

Installation performative pour deux cabinets et un public. 


atelier des artistes en exil 

Festival visions d'exil 

Octobre 28, 2023 La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris


À l'intérieur de la baleine



RE : location project. 2024,

Atelier d'Olga Kisseleva, Paris

Commissaires: Anastasia Kurlyandtseva, Olga Kisseleva. Curator-researcher: Sonia Kovaleva

« Inside the Whale » ​ The Whale has sailed to Paris. The whale is dead. Long live the Whale! The exhibition holds of several layers of meaning, presented in different techniques. An installation made from a fishing net, a plaster whale, crab traps filled with artifacts, a series of x-ray photographs, two canvases interpreting the epitaphios, an x-ray icon. All these objects interpret the idea of immersion inside a person and its reflections. The installation is accompanied by a sound file that creates a special acoustic environment. « In August 2022, a beluga whale was discovered in the Seine, seventy kilometers away from Paris. Reports said that it was weak and refused to eat. It swam three thousand kilometers from the coast of Norway — and only seventy remained before Paris. What does 70 kilometers mean to a whale ? It measures distances by oceans and seas. On August 10, the news reported that the whale died. The whale is dead, long live the whale. Why did she swim towards us ? Perhaps to devour us, thereby fulfilling Jonah’s myth ? And the whale didn't die, we just now live inside the whale. This project offers an experience of rethinking the reality around us, returning from everyday life to the depths of the oceans, where life originated and in which it continues to exist. It is connected with my own refugee from Russia and moving to a new city. Any step outside is a step inside. The illusion of the other: where to think about this if not in Paris ? In this case, I am thinking about the illusion of another place, which is also located inside me, inside the whale, inside everyone. Paris, inside human X-rays, expresses this image for me. »

La Fourrure



Villa Paradis. en Résidence à la Traverse, Marseille


(photo - Ivan Lounguine)

À l’accouchement, il est recommandé d’être dans l’eau pour soulager la douleur. En février 2023, les mères des militaires russes décédés en Ukraine ont reçu des manteaux de fourrure. Est-ce que le manteau de fourrure apaisera la douleur de la perte d’un enfant ? Dans cette performance, Nastya Rodionova repose dans une baignoire avec un manteau de fourrure usé. L’eau, la fourrure et le corps féminin racontent une histoire de vie, de mort et de douleur. Dans la baignoire, elle lit des poèmes d’Anna Akhmatova et Marina Tsvetaeva, des poétesses russes du XXe siècle, dédiés à leurs fils, ainsi que des lettres et des appels au leadership soviétique. Des haut-parleurs connectés à la baignoire diffusent des enregistrements documentaires de conversations entre des soldats russes combattant en Ukraine et leurs mères. Certains de ces enregistrements montrent des mères et des épouses ivres approuvant la violence et le meurtre.


Kill Lenin

roman (en russe)


"Kill Lenin" is a multi-layered novel whose main character, Sveta Maeva, grew up in an Orthodox environment. For a little girl, demons, "Jews" and eschatological prophecies are as familiar and commonplace as a Teddy bear and walks in the Park. Now Sveta works in the editorial office of a daily newspaper, where the tradition of heavy drinking is still preserved, and low-grade yellow materials and sharp political articles are side by side on the same page.             Nationalists, thieves in law, opposition rallies and writers' gatherings in the present are interspersed with storylines from the past. There, on the stairs of the Moscow state University, her parents meet, the pages of the novel describe: the Mordovian zone for political prisoners, the everyday life of the Soviet humanitarian Institute, life 101 km after the release from the camp, the collapse of the family and the remarriage of the mother, who played a key role in the fate of the heroine.             The end of the world becomes a special circumstance of the novel. Sveta is waiting for it as a child, but in the present it suddenly appears as an information guide, because it should happen in 2012 according to the Mayan calendar and the media are happy to savor this topic.             The father told the little heroine about the speed of light: "If the sun goes out, we won't know for eight minutes." Or four hundred and eighty seconds. Therefore, in difficult moments, she closes her eyes and starts counting. "It doesn't go out," Sveta states each time, either with relief or with sadness.             Lenin lies in the Mausoleum, but continues to live as an archetype, an image, a demon, a myth about himself, a nostalgia for the past, a symbol of historical tragedy. It's time to kill him. This is decided by one of the secondary heroines. But her act becomes only an episode, lost in the dense interweaving of times and events.             The internal dialogue with the deceased father, which continues throughout the novel, allows Sveta to keep a distance from her past and present. At the end of the novel, this dialogue breaks the fabric of time. And there are still more questions than answers: is Lenin alive? was there a father? has the sun gone out?

Снимок экрана 2021-09-10 в 20.13.11.png
Снимок экрана 2022-08-26 в 13.44.00.png

Songs by Nastya

Musique de Dmitri Kourliandski

texte de Nastia Rodionova

Premiere: Syntax ensemble

Milano musica 2023

Eurydice, une expérience du noir

Opéra de Dmitri Kourliandski

texte de Nastia Rodionova

mise en scène Antoine Gindt

avec : Jeanne Crousaud (Eurydice), Dominique Mercy (Orphée), Bianca Chillemi (piano)

Réalisation : Julien Ravoux

© T&M, 2022

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